Put Over 40 Years of Michigan Family Law Experience On Your Side

Washtenaw County Divorce AttorneysMichigan Uncontested Divorce Attorneys

A divorce formally ends a couple’s marriage. Every divorce presents a unique set of facts and issues to decide.

Our law firm handles both uncontested and contested divorces.

Who Should Consider an Uncontested Divorce:

Uncontested divorce is a good option for couples without children and little property, who agree on how to divide what they have. But even couples with children and more property may qualify so long as they agree on custody, parenting time, child support, and property division. Call us at 734-254-1140 to discuss your situation during a free consultation.

Benefit of Uncontested Divorces:

Uncontested divorces cost less and take less time than contested cases because there’s no fighting or legal wrangling.

If you and your spouse both want a divorce, and agree on the terms, an uncontested divorce may be right for you.

Why Choose Carlo J. Martina, P.C.

Super Lawyers Ratedavvo1avvo2av

The attorneys at the Law Office of Carlo J. Martina focus their efforts entirely on family law matters.

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Divorce Overview

Collaborative Divorce
