Put Over 40 Years of Michigan Family Law Experience On Your Side

Detroit Child Support Attorneys

Child Care Costs

Except in extraordinary cases (to be determined by the court), in typical cases, child care costs are to terminate on August 31 on the year following the 12th birthday of the minor child. 

Health Care and Uninsured Medical Costs

Uninsured medical care expenses are those medical expenses that exceed the ordinary health care expense amount are extraordinary are extraordinary expenses, which are apportioned between the parents proportionally to their income. 

Extraordinary health care expenses do not include routine remedial care costs (e.g. first aid supplies, cough syrup, vitamins, etc.), which are presumed to be included in the base amount of child support being paid by the custodial parent.

Schedule a Michigan Family Law Consultation with Our Metro Detroit Child Support Attorneys

If you have questions and need legal counsel regarding a Michigan child support matter, contact us at 734-254-1140.